The importance of anti-ejaculation preparations

Many men suffer from premature ejaculation. According to reports, it affects every fifth man between the ages of 16 and 60.What exactly does premature ejaculation mean?
(the article continues under the products)

Many men suffer from premature ejaculation. According to reports, it affects every fifth man between the ages of 16 and 60.

What exactly does premature ejaculation mean?
According to science, we speak of premature ejaculation when the man ejaculates within 2 minutes of penetration.This is a serious problem for many couples, as it is one of the most common sexual problems.However, it is worth noting that if this phenomenon occurs only rarely, then there is no need to deal with it. However, if it happens regularly, so something must be done about it.
The reasons for this can be found in stress, a bad brain routine or overstretched muscles. I can't leave out anxiety as a root cause. We men are anxious about a it should be good for our partner, we can maintain sexual intercourse for a long enough time (it is well known that women need more time to reach orgasm). However, these hindering factors can be overcome with proper practice, getting into a state of rest,they can be forgotten with stress-relieving techniques. Our various ejaculation delay preparations help with this.

Our preparations consist exclusively of plant ingredients, they are 100% safe!

With us, you will find something that allows you to regulate the time you spend together, to the joy and satisfaction of both of you!

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